3 Best Password App for iPad

Your iPad is valuable. It will have cost you a pretty penny and you will, more likely than not, have private data stored on it, so it is important that you protect it against loss or theft. And while insurance can go some way to throwing a ring of protection around you, there are many in-built features and apps that can give you solid support.

One of the most important things is to protect against our fellow humans. It’s crucial to ensure that your password is as complex as possible, and that no one is able to see text messages and websites that they aren’t meant to see. Using these three apps will ensure that you can use your tablet far more securely and privately.

Encrypt your text messages with TxtCrypt

App used: TxtCrypt
Developer: Vlad Alexa
Price: Free

1: Type your text, Tap the large box at the top of the screen and enter the text messages that you don’t want to be seen. Type the password needed to view the text message beneath it.

2: Encrypt the text, To add an extra layer of encryption to your text message, hit ‘Encrypt’. When you send the message the recipient can use the app to decrypt the message by pressing the ‘Decrypt’ button.

3: Send your message, While you can copy and paste your message into any app you please, if you just want to send a message, tap the speech bubble near the top right corner. It’ll automatically add your message.

Create the best password possible in Passwords

App used: Passwords
Developer: Adam Neilson
Price: Free

1: Generate passwords, It’s not easy to think up a secure password, but this app automatically displays suggested ones for you. Tap the password to see the next if you’re not happy with the current one.

2: Make it more complex, Move the slider at the top to the right to generate more and more complex passwords. The character’s expression changes according to how complex the password is.

3: Send to yourself, Tap the Send icon in the bottom-right of the app and you can either email the password to yourself or copy it to the clipboard so you can paste it into a website or app.

Surf the web in secrecy with Atomic Web Browser

App used: Atomic
Web Browser Developer: Richard Trautvetter
Price: £0.69/$0.99

1: Enable Private Mode, Tap the Cog at the top of the screen. The top option, Enable Private Mode, will stop the browser from remembering your history and will clear all cookies on exit.

2: Privacy options, Navigate to the Cog icon and tap Settings>Privacy Options. When tapping this you can opt to clear your history, cookies, cache, Facebook and Twitter sessions.

3: Even more control, Private Mode Settings let you configure what happens in Private Mode; you can opt against recording history, clearing cookies or cache. It puts you in control of your privacy.

From :
iPad Tips, Tricks, Apps & Hacks Volume 4 - Imagine Publishing Ltd